WELCOME CrtrRews to my CrtrGrl kingdom! Let’s get started with an Intro 2 CrtrGrl! You’re about to hike, dive, backpack into my ventures & relationship with nature & her Crtrs. The virtual adventure begins with me, my photographer/videographer/hubby, Scott McGee of Forest2SeaAdventurePhoto & lotsa Crtrs!
Scott & I continue to work hard on some of the great suggestions we receive from our modest group of fans. We also have many creative ideas we hope will entertain our audience & allow all of you to live vicariously through our adventures & explorations.
This site is also an avenue to raise awareness & allow for discussing animal/nature advocacy. Like my profiles in social media, I encourage everyone to share your ideas, suggestions, comments, questions, corrections, you name it!
Also, let us all try to keep it an anti-cruel environment. You can be passionate without hurting others. I want the vibe to maintain a positive, respectful, & civil outlook. There is zero tolerance for any comments which insult another, use religion or politics to legitimize cruelty, or troll/spew hatred. These comments will be deleted & commenters blocked. Thanks for understanding.
Since childhood, I’ve always done my best to approach nature & its Crtrs by doing the least amount of harm as humanly possible. When I step into nature’s home I try to be aware of the damages I may be causing for the sake of a photograph or video. With that in mind, I’m far from perfect & it’s not always easy to follow this self-created rule.
Sometimes my reflexes get the best of me. For example, when I approach Crtrs, I learned not to pick up rocks, logs, etc. so not to disturb their home. One time I picked up a rock & a mother Earwig was running around, frantically, with her cluster of tiny babies running away from their hiding place. I felt like shit! (By the way, cursing is “just words” here).
Another example is, I was a real nuisance to a Crtr that I, excitedly, found on one of our Crtr explorations. Due to selfish reasons of not wanting to lose this Alligator Lizard, I didn’t let go when it was obvious it didn’t want to be held. It resulted in a well deserved reaction. I finally snapped out of my selfishness & released it as it requested several times before it got to that point.
Now I learned to patiently wait & hope that a Crtr would like to meet & greet me. This does take time, but they deserve respect as much as we humans do. That doesn’t mean I don’t insist in meeting a little, but not so much to annoy or stress them out. I’m sure there will be times my enthusiasm will get the best of me, but I’m just as sure there will be consequences.
Now, I hope you enjoy Scott’s awesome & beautiful captures, the stories that come with it & my adventure blogs. Don’t forget to click on links that will take you on another eco-journey. I would like to see this community grow via your support & interactions. I look forward to continuing the great virtual friendships I’ve made & can’t wait to meet newbies!!
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